Winn Dixie Catering Menu Prices

Winn Dixie Catering Prices – Full Menu.

The catering menu prices are updated for 2023.
Not all locations offer catering, and prices and item availability may vary from location to location.

Winn Dixie Catering Menu Prices – Updated

Menu ItemPrice
Wingin’ It Platter$39.99
Nibbler Supreme$34.99
Veggie Tray$10.99
Variety Subs$34.99
All the Fixins’$16.99
Fresh Baked Brownie Platter$12.99
Gourmet Wedge$36.99
Cooked Shrimp and Surimi$34.99
Triple Play$37.99
Taste of Italy$39.99
Cheese Nibbler$29.99
Fresh Baked Rolls$7.99
Chicken Tenders$24.99
Finger Sandwiches$26.99
Fresh Baked Cookie Platter$11.99
Dessert Platter$23.99
Executive Entertainer$47.99
Pita or Croissant/Sliders Combo$34.99
Apple Cheese Tray$12.99
Pita Pockets$34.99
Fruit Tray$14.99
Wrap It Up$34.99
Extra Large Cooked Shrimp$39.99
American Rhapsody$26.99
Alaskan Snowleg Surimi$29.99
Fresh Baked Breakfast Pastry Platter$23.99

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The catering prices listed are the national averages, and are a guideline only.

We advise that you call your local restaurant/outlet for all catering inquiries. Some locations do not offer catering, while others require a 24 hour notice.

Winn Dixie Catering Menu Prices 2022-2023.

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