Public Restroom Near Me.
Are you looking for a public restroom near you that is open late?
Where is the nearest public bathroom to my current location?
Use the map below to find the closest public toilet or public restroom near me, that is open now.
Bathrooms Near Me.
Use the map to find the nearest public restroom to your location.
This map shows public restrooms , toilets and bathrooms near me that are close to your current location, right now. Click on the restroom closest to you, then ‘View Larger Map’ or ‘Directions’ to see the opening hours, as well as the public bathrooms’ address.
Please note, that the map is based on your phone’s or laptop computer’s IP address and GPS location.
For the map to work properly, your GPS location function must be enabled on your mobile phone.

Public Restrooms Near Me – Alternatives.
It is a public secret that many restaurants, coffee houses, shopping centers and supermarkets offer restrooms or bathrooms for visitors, no matter if they are customers or not. Here is our list of facilities that offer toilets and restrooms for all visitors:
- Libraries – All Public Libraries have free, and clean restrooms.
- Shopping Centers – All sh0pping centers and malls will have bathrooms for public use.
- Walmart – Walmart and other department store chains such as Macy’s and Sears always offer restroom facilities.
- Starbucks – All Starbucks Cafes will have a bathroom. Some require a code to enter.
- McDonalds – Fast food restaurants such as McDonalds, Burger King and Dunkin Donuts have restrooms for use without purchasing.
- Hotels – Most large hotels that have a bar or restaurant will have bathrooms attached, that you can use. These are lifesavers for out-of-hours and late-night visits. Buy a soft drink or bottle of water, if you must.
Where is Public Toilet App.
Several apps exist that show most public restrooms in a single app. We recommend the aptly named ‘Where is Public Toilet’ app from the Google Play store, as it has the most public bathrooms in its database (280.000), and you have the option to download a worldwide database in about 30 seconds.
In fact, all public buildings, like courts, universities, hospitals, administrative offices also have public bathrooms, and
Museums and galleries are also a good option!