Mountain Mike’s Pizza Menu Prices

Mountain Mike’s Pizza Menu Prices.

The Mountain Mike’s menu prices are updated for 2023.
Please be aware, that prices and availability of menu items can vary from location to location.

About Mountain Mike’s Pizza.

Mountain Mike’s Pizza is a chain of restaurants along the West Coast of the United States, primarily in Northern California. They have restaurant locations in Nevada, Oregon, and Utah. The restaurants offer mainly pizzas, but also pasta and chicken wings.

Mountain Mike’s Pizza Menu Prices – Updated.



Create Your OwnMini$5.99
Create Your OwnSmall$11.99
Create Your OwnMedium$14.99
Create Your OwnLarge$17.99
Create Your OwnMountain$29.99
Diamond Head or St. HelensMini$6.99
Diamond Head or St. HelensSmall$12.99
Diamond Head or St. HelensMedium16.99
Diamond Head or St. HelensLarge$20.99
Diamond Head or St. HelensMountain$32.99
All Other PizzasMini$8.99
All Other PizzasSmall$14.99
All Other PizzasMedium$21.99
All Other PizzasLarge$25.99
All Other PizzasMountain$39.99


Mountain Hero Sandwich$6.99
Salami Sandwich$6.99
Pastrami Sandwich$6.99
Pizza Sandwich$7.99
Ham Sandwich$6.99
L.A. Hot Sandwich$7.99
Grilled Chicken Breast$7.95




Garlic Sticks$4.99
Buffalo Wings6 Pc.$5.99
Buffalo Wings12 Pc.$9.99
Buffalo Wings24 Pc.$16.99
Mozzarella Sticks8 Pc.$5.99
Garlic Bread$3.99
Garlic Sticks With Cheese$5.99
Garlic Bread With Cheese$4.99
French Fries$2.99
Chicken Tenders5 Pc.$6.99
Onion Rings$4.99


Pepsi2 Liter$2.99
Diet Pepsi2 Liter$2.99
Sierra Mist2 Liter$2.99
Root Beer2 Liter$2.99
Dr. Pepper2 Liter$2.99

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The prices listed are the national averages. Prices can vary from restaurant to restaurant.

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